Sunday, June 13, 2010

Little Ways to Say "I Love You"

Showing your affection and emotions can be simple and effortless act when you incorporate these little ways to say 
"I Love You"

1. Blow a kiss.
2. Wash your partner's car and leave a post-it notes with loving messages for them to find.
3. Frame a favorite picture of the two of you and place it next to your bed.
4. Send loving messages on your partner's cell phone.
5. Slow dance.
6. Dedicate a love song on the radio.
7. Cook a meal together.
8. Leave a love note for your partner to find.
9. Feed each other.

 last but not least...

10. Kiss passionately...often.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Why do bad things happen to me?

I've lost up to 700 important photographs, landscapes, skyscapes, seascapes and much more today. I'm really sad so....I can't post photo blogs for now until I figure out what happened.

Monday, June 07, 2010


I've been meaning to blog something for days now, still I think that I'm not quite ready yet but somehow I've gotten to somewhere. I'd like to be part in the world of blogging and have a little time on my hands to enter into this mega wonderful world of getting to know you so I'd like to send you a big HELLO. Hope that I can be interesting as you all and that I'll be able to keep it up too as long as life doesn't get too much in my way, I'm excited to be with you.